Wednesday, October 20

another halloween post


With Halloween on Sunday this year, a few of us in our neighborhoods want to celebrate Halloween on Saturday. Maybe that's just the obvious thing for everybody, but I didn't want to assume.
We have tried to pass the word to other streets and neighborhoods and feel like there will be a decent turn out for other homes to trick-or-treat at on Sat.
Infact Sister Creer is making up a few flyers, Sister Allen is sending an email to our neighborhood watch contact to help spread the word.
If you are doing the same in your neighborhood, please let me know. I was hoping to make up a map for all of you that want to know where you could take your kids to knock doors.

Also, anyone that lives up at the Ranch's that wants to bring your kids down this way....I say DO IT!
Maybe donate a bag of candy to some one's home, knock that door a few times and then all the others in the hood.

Let me know


Rennie Hallows


  1. You can add me to the map (704 W Calle Franja Verde). I haven't heard anything about a neighborhood trick-or-treat in our neighborhood. Thanks for doing this!


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