Saturday, May 7

This month's Primary Song

Dear ladies of the ward,

This month the primary has been asked to learn the first verse and chorus of "Praise to the Man." (Laughing slightly hysterically) I will be the first to admit that this is beyond my abilities, so I am online begging you to please, please, please practice at home. Hum the song, sing it before prayers, teach your sunbeam to say "dispensation" it will be really cute I promise. Have a family home evening about what the song is teaching. Anything you can do to help your kids learn this wonderful hymn will be greatly appreciated. We handed out songbooks and cd's if you didn't get one please let Heather Henrie or me know. Thanks so much for your help. I love singing with your kids they are amazing!

Andy Workman

1 comment:

  1. I just found this blog that might help.


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